There is a request for repayment in process

The direct debit has already been sent to the Bank. To make a new request we must have confirmed the previous payment. If you wish to cancel it and make a new request, contact your branch to return the statement.

The direct debit has already been sent to the Bank. To make a new request we must have confirmed the previous payment.

Linha Direta UCI213 002 042 / 932 442 604 Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm


uci my web

Did you know that one of the most common passwords is 12345678?" Choose a hard-to-guess password and don't save it in any browser

You can always click “I forgot my password”!

Remember that the most secure passwords are those that combine uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters

If you have any registration problems, please contact our Linha Direta UCI Service by email at or telephones 213 002 042 (domestic landline charges apply) / 932 442 604 (domestic mobile network charges apply)

Contact Email Languages

Terms of use

Terms of use

This page is the property of UCI - "Unión de Créditos Inmobiliários, S.A., Establecimiento Financiero de Crédito, (Sociedade Unipersonal)" ("UCI"), with registered office at Calle Ombú, number three, in Madrid, Spain, and branch in Portugal at Avenida Eng. Duarte Pacheco, Torre 1, 10th floor, in Lisbon, registered with the Lisbon Registry of Companies under the Legal Person Identification Number 980178258.

Head office: Av. Eng.º Duarte Pacheco Torre 1, 10º Piso, 1070-101 Lisboa

Phone: 21 383 50 00


This website is property of the UCI. Intellectual property rights, exploitation and reproduction rights thereto, of its pages, windows, and the information contained therein, as well as its presentation, design, and the links established from other pages of any company within the UCI Group, are the exclusive property of UCI, unless otherwise indicated.

All the names, texts, images, graphics, design and logos that make up this page are registered. Any kind of misuse of the same, by persons other than the rightful owner may be sanctioned pursuant to applicable law.

Intellectual property rights and trademarks of third parties are properly assigned and must be respected by all users accessing the website.

Only for personal and private use copies, prints or downloads of contents from any page on this website are allowed.

It is forbidden to reproduce, transmit, modify, delete the information, content or notices on this site, without the prior written permission of UCI.

UCI declines any liability for information errors or omissions contained on the website. Also reserves the right to modify the information, as well as to suspend, cancel, and restrict any website content, links or information obtained through it, without notice.

The website`s content has an exclusively informative purpose, being met for the consult by users, and under no circumstances should be used or considered as an offer of sale or financing, proposed buyout offers or financing or recommendation for hiring any product or service here analysed or promoted, unless expressly indicated.

By accessing this address or any of its pages you will be considered a user, and as such accept the General Conditions.

UCI reserves the right to modify, suspend, cancel or restrict the content of the website, links or information obtained through it, without prior notice.

It is forbidden to transmit or send through the website any unlawful, or illegal content, computer virus or messages, which generally affect and breach the rights of the UCI Group or of third parties.

The website may contain hyperlinks to websites of third parties and whose contents are the sole responsibility of such entities.

Access to any link that is not property of the UCI is the sole responsibility of the user.

UCI does not recommend, or guarantee any information, obtained through a link, is not responsible for any loss, claim or damage arising from the use or incorrect use of the same, or the information obtained through it, including other links or websites, interruption of access, or attempt to use or abuse of the link, as well as access information through other pages.

UCI has set a privacy policy and established the means and procedures necessary for its implementation.

Processing of personal data:

The only personal information that the UCI Group will have access are those that the user voluntarily submits.

To that extent, it is necessary that the user knows that, for the access and registration of some products/services offered through the website, personal data will be solicited.

In cases and regarding data for which this is expressly informed to the user/client, should the client fail to provide them, same client will not be able to access or use the services and contents mentioned earlier. In accordance with the legal provisions in force, UCI has adopted the technical and organisational measures required in relation to personal data processed.

This way, the necessary mechanisms were adopted in order to avoid, as far as possible, unauthorized accesses, theft, steal, illicit modifications and deviation or data loss.

Aspects related to the processing of personal data of users due to the use of the website are described in the privacy policy.

This site uses cookies to store the latest research and facilitate its recovery by the user. You may setup your browser to refuse the installation of cookies.

However, if you select this option, certain services or areas of the site may not be available. For more information go to our Cookie Policy.

Nevertheless, in case personal information publicly available online is published, unsolicited messages from other people may be received, as personal data was provided to third parties.

In view of all the above, maximum diligence is recommended in this matter and the use of all available security tools, and UCI will not be held liable for the theft, modification or loss of data.

The present general conditions are governed by Portuguese law.

The parties may, if they so prefer, choose Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods.

UCI is a Financial Institution member to the following Arbitration Centres:

- Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo de Lisboa (CACCL)

- Centro Nacional de Informação e Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo (CNIACC)  

In the event of a dispute the consumer may resort to these dispute settlement entities.

For more information consult the Consumer Site -

UCI is registered with the Bank of Portugal with the number 403 and is subject to its supervision.

